Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost and Wondering

Lost is probably one of the most complicated shows to blog about. This is mainly because there are a thousand different sites out there that write thousands of words analyzing every single line of dialog, studying screen captures of every second, finding metaphors in every characters' name. I think people spend more time picking each episode apart than people in my college literature classes spent analyzing novels.

Because of my general opinion that Lost is only enjoyable if you look at it like a fun escapist hour, this is not going to be one of those blog entries. I just don't find it as fulfilling as some do. When Alias, another JJ Abrams show, was at its peak, I did the over analyzing thing. And at the end of the day, it all came down to nothing. Even though JJ isn't writing Lost anymore, I still don't want to get too involved in a show that promises more mystery than it can probably answer.

All that being said, the premiere last night was certainly one of the top episodes - absolutely higher than last years opening episode. Season three was a let down at many levels, but the introduction of flash forwards in the finale made up for that. Season four started where that one left off, and while it hasn't answered any previous questions, it asked enough new ones that I don't care what the monster is at the moment. To summarize:

  • Who are the Oceanic Six? Or the rest of them, as the case may be?
  • Why did the leave some people on the island? And more importantly, why does the public think they are dead?
  • Why does Jack go from fairly together in his post island life to wanting to go back like he did in the finale last year?
  • If Hurley went with Locke, how does he end up "rescued" with Jack and Kate?
  • Who the hell is Jacob and why does his house seem to move? And why can only some people see him?
  • Who was the person Hurley saw in the cabin?

And what is actually most present in my mind -
  • is Desmond ever going to give Claire the note Charlie wrote before he died?

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